In 2019, public companies were expected to meet the 
new ASC 842 lease accounting standard. Now it's private 
companies' turn!

CFO Dive and Visual Lease have partnered together to 
share lessons learned from public companies while adopting 
ASC 842. In this eBook, private companies can expect to learn:

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Lease accounting 
compliance for 
private companies

Learn tips & tricks from public companies on how to adopt ASC 842

More than 800 companies trust Visual Lease with their lease portfolio. 
And 98% renew their contract every year.

The benefits of effective lease management 
across the entire company, 
such as transparency, 
beyond compliance 

The common challenges in implementing ASC 842 
from public companies

Valuable insights into best practices in implementing 
a compliance agenda and the importance of planning 
the compliance date approaches

How to transform your compliance project into a 
lease management improvement strategy.